1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

The Board of Trustees’ Jan 10, 2023 Decision Affirms Need for Private Emails for Organizing

Despite our faculty’s massive turnout on Dec 13th, to the NCC Board of Trustees, in which we presented why we need a fair contract, this week, on January 11th, the College told us it would enforce Section 36-5 of our contract.  This section states that faculty pay the increase in health insurance premiums through payroll deductions during the interim between the expiration of one contract and the effective date of a successor contract.  This clause is one example of a “sunset clause.”  Over the years, our union has voted to approve contracts which have negated our New York State Taylor Law protections for public employees, namely, the protection of continuing the terms of a past contract during and between negotiations, by agreeing to “sunset clauses” such as Section 36-5.  We do not have the option to strike as the Taylor Law protection was granted in exchange for a prohibition on public employee strikes.  It is our understanding that deductions will begin next paycheck. We will be giving further updates as we receive them.

We need to further organize to make faculty needs for a fair contract heard.  

To give us your private email and permission to use it for organizing purposes, you may

The first way for “friends”, fill out this form:  “Friends of NCCFT” form.  Anyone who is a supporter can use this form.

Or, the second way for “friends”, send your name, address and  private email to:  communications@nccft.org.   


Especially for NCCFT members:

The first way for NCCFT members:
1. Go to communications.nccft.org

2. Register:   provide all the requested information, and the button will change color, and you can click “submit.”

3. Look in your NCC email for the verification code. (Check spam folder and inbox folder.)  The code is valid 10 minutes; request a new code if it has expired.

4. Complete the registration process at communications.nccft.org by providing verification code.

If have settings that do not allow being added to lists, then this is the method for you!


Or, this second method for NCCFT members:
1. Send your private email to communications@nccft.org from your NCC email address; you will be added to a Google list of NCCFT members. 


Please join with us!  In solidarity there is strength. 

If you have already given us a private email, thank you!

Not yet a VoteCope contributor?  Send me an email to communications@nccft.org to set up an appointment with an NCCFT PAC member or stop by the NCCFT office in F3293. Either in person or at the NCCFT office, we can give provide and collect the paperwork.  We are happy to discuss VoteCope in person.

NCCFT Executive T1. 

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