1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

Stay In Touch

Stay informed! Take part in NCCFT actions!  NCCFT members should register with the with this email system to receive communications.  Be sure that your email filters permit messages from communications@nccft.org to reach you.  Also please send your private email to communications@nccft.org from your NCC email account. (This alerts us to your registration and helps us update our lists.)

NCCFT Friends, please send us an email requesting to be added to our email list. Send your request to communications@nccft.org.  

Office Hours

Day Time
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

These are the hours when you can reach our office manager, Danielle Sforza at 516-572-7198.  You may also stop by the office in F 3293, and you may reach her by email at nccft@ncc.edu. (Questions about benefits and dues should be directed to her first.)

Please call before coming to the office to be sure someone is in.

In Solidarity,
The NCCFT Executive Committee,

General Inquiries