At a special meeting held on September 1, 2020, The NCCFT Executive Board voted overwhelmingly to put forward for ratification by the membership a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed with the college. On Thursday, September 3, we will hold an informational meeting to answer any questions you may have. A summary of the MOA was emailed to you yesterday.
The ratification vote will take place via Election Buddy. Emails will go out from Election Buddy starting at 11:30 AM on September 3rd. Voting will remain open until noon on Friday, September 4th.
Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about the ratification process:
- What happens if we ratify the contract?
- Once we ratify the contract, there are three more stages of ratification/approval it has to go through before it takes effect. The Board of Trustees has to ratify it; the county executive needs to sign off on it; and it must be approved by the county legislature.
- When will the new contract take effect?
- Once it has been ratified by all parties, the new contract becomes effective retroactive to September 1, 2020
- Will our salary increases be retroactive to 9/1 and when and how will we get that money?
- Yes, our salary increases will be retroactive to September 1st. Once ratification is complete, the NCCFT Treasurer will consult with the County Comptroller to determine when and how those monies will be paid out. The final decision on this is made by the County Comptroller. You will be notified once that decision has been made.
- Can we vote on specific items in the MOA?
- No. You must vote yes or no on the total package.
- Can we suggest changes to specific items in the MOA?
- No. The parties have agreed to this MOA and no further changes can be made.
- How do I know what changes are being made to the contract?
- Aside from Section 23-1.1, which will be revised to reflect the salary and step increases indicated in Section C of the summary, the only change in contract language is in Section 27-1. That change appears in Section E of the summary.
- If something is not mentioned in the MOA summary, does it stay the same as in the previous contract?
- Yes. With the exception of minor changes and clarifications, anything not mentioned in the summary remains the same.
- Why is my concern not represented in the MOA summary?
- We brought to the negotiating table the major concerns of the membership as expressed through the survey we distributed. A negotiation, however, is a process of give and take and there are always concerns on each side that are not achieved. Rest assured we have a record of and are attentive to all member concerns and they will be considered for the next negotiation.
- Why are we using Election Buddy to do this ratification vote?
- In May 2015, The NCCFT Elections Committee recommended “using electronic voting…to conduct elections. It seems to be efficient, time saving, keeps a detailed record, assures voter accuracy, and saves money and paper resources.” Pursuant to that recommendation, we used Election Buddy for our last contract ratification vote. We are doing so again this time.
- How many votes do we need to ratify the contract?
- 50% + 1 of the members who actually vote.
- What happens if the contract is not ratified?
- Everything contained in this MOA becomes null and void. The parties go back to the negotiating table and start from scratch.
If you have any further questions, we encourage you to attend the informational meeting mentioned at the top of this page. Before then, please contact your department representative.
One Response
I am concerned about the ‘minor changes and clarifications’ indicated above yet not higlighted in the summary. Everyone’s concept of minor varies and well and the importance of intent as opposed to actual meaning. I would be more comfortable if we, the membership, could see all of the changes from the current contract rather than just the highlights given.