Good Evening
I am Debra DeSanto, President of the NCCFT, and I will be reading this statement on behalf of the NCCFT Executive Committee.
At a time when the Administration speaks of an ongoing dire economic situation here at NCC, as President of the NCCFT, I must address the BOT regarding the administration’s misguided expenditures.
An administration that expects faculty to “do more with less” fails to practice what they preach.
A glaring example is that on April 11, despite numerous in-house attorneys who received significant raises or should I say adjustments, the College hired outside legal counsel for a straightforward contractual grievance. This grievance certainly could have been handled by one of the many in-house attorneys as a cost savings measure.
Thus, while the debate continues on cuts to reassigned time, student services, college supplies, to name just a few items, the administration continues to spend money that could be used more efficiently to benefit the college community.