Our budget problems here at NCC stem in large part from state cuts that need to be reversed. NYSUT lobbies on our behalf in favor of higher education funding. Those lobbyists need our support in calling for a fair system of taxation to support proper funding of public education.
From NYSUT on December 5, 2011:
The Legislature is likely returning to Albany this week for a special session to consider the governor’s plan to restructure the tax code and spur economic development.
There’s no time to waste. CALL and FAX your state representatives today.
We want lawmakers to approve a progressive income tax structure that will provide enough revenue to close the state’s deficit and restore devastating cuts to public education. Tell lawmakers any deal they make this week must combine tax fairness with restoring funding to public education, higher education and health care.
Call toll-free to 877-255-9417 and ask to be connected to the Assembly and Senate.
And click below to send a free fax letter to your state representatives.
http://secure.nysut.org/OR/Fax.asp?m=f&aID=Q884657&cID=94CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW THE LETTER: