The focus of this year’s Sexual Harassment Awareness Days is bullying. The NCCFT is proud of the work done by the Sexual Harassment Education subcommittee of the Academic Senate’s Affirmative Action committee in putting together three fabulous programs. These events are free and open to the public.
Being Bullied is Hell, But Life Gets Better
LZ Granderson
Tuesday, March 29 at 1:00pm and 4:00pm, CCB Multipurpose Room
LZ Granderson is a writer for ESPN The Magazine,, ESPN’s Sports Center, Outside the Lines, and First Take. He broke the Sheryl Swoopes coming out story, and has interviewed many sports greats including Terrell Owens, Roger Federer, and David Beckham. Perhaps the most visible openly gay sports journalist in the country, LZ Granderson is the 2009 winner of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) award for online journalism.
Cyberbullying and Homophobia: Responses and Impact
Hayley Gorenberg
Wednesday, March 30 at 11:00am, CCB 252/253
Hayley Gorenberg is the Deputy Legal Director for Lambda Legal, the national legal organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and people with HIV. She has been the lead counsel on cases involving marriage equality and HIV discrimination, formulated model policies promoting the rights of LGBTQ students and school employees, and advocated for workplace fairness, relationship rights for same-sex couples, and the rights of transgender people.
GLBT 101
Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth Staff
Wednesday, March 30 at 2:00pm
CCB 252/253
In this interactive workshop, a staff member of Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth (LIGALY) will give a basic overview of sexual orientation and gender identity focusing on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people and discuss heterosexism, homophobia, and transphobia.
For further information, contact me at 516-572-7153 or
In light of these important programs, Irene Carley (Co-chair of the NCCFT Health and Safety Committee) requested a selection for Monday Morning Music: Don’t Laugh At Me by Mark Wills. Enjoy the music, attend the programs, and help us make our schools and our communities safer spaces for everybody.