Nassau Community College is an active participant on the SUNY Faculty Council of Community Colleges. The Nassau Community College Federation of Teachers supports the Faculty Council in urging all members of its faculty, the faculty of the 30 SUNY community colleges, and the members of the communities we serve, to write to their local legislators opposing the cut in base aid proposed in the Governor’s Executive Budget. The Faculty Council passed a resolution in opposition to the cut and will have faculty in Albany this coming Tuesday, March 8, to lobby members of the legislature. Dawn Smith (SPS/CSD) and Patricia Allen-Halcrow (SOC/ANT/SWK) will be representing the NCCFT.
But in addition to lobbying in Albany, legislators desperately need to hear from each of us about the importance of Nassau Community College to us as individuals, to our families, and to our communities. They need to understand what reduced access to higher education, and reduced economic opportunity will mean to real people like us.
Model letters, written by the Faculty Council, are included below. We encourage you to modify them to reflect your relationship to the college (faculty, student, family member, concerned member of the community) and to represent your own concerns. Please read the following statement from the Faculty Council and then write to your legislators now. Make your voice heard and help us protect NCC and all community colleges throughout New York State.
If you need to look up the names of your state senators, you can do that here: You can locate your legislators here:
In times like these we can’t wait for others to speak up for us. Please speak up today.