1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

Welcome Back!

The Fall 2010 semester is upon us and the NCCFT wants to welcome new faculty to the campus and to welcome back those who have been away during the summer.

Please join us in welcoming the following new faculty:

  • Mary McGlone-Barbato – Reading/Basic Education
  • Natalie Eichel – Nursing
  • Dara Szwejkowski – Math, Computer Science and Information Technology
  • V. Wilson-Corzon – Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work
  • E. Boussios – Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work
  • Joseph Fabrizio – Mortuary Science
  • Dolore Bushati – Economics & Finance
  • Jane Stein – Reading/Basic Education

If you are just starting at the college and were not named above, please drop by and introduce yourself.

Salary update: Members will see a 1% increase in their base salaries starting in September, and members eligible for steps will move up one step in November. Members at top step who have completed 25 years of service will receive a $2,000 longevity bonus sometime in the Fall semester.

Contract update: We worked hard over the summer to get the final contract language approved and we expect to have printed contracts in your mailboxes within the first few weeks of classes.

We predict this is going to be an interesting semester. There are many changes going on around the campus. On the facilities front we’ve got new buildings going up, new parking lots being constructed and on the staffing front we’ve got a bunch of administrative changes going on. In July President Astrab announced that, in an effort to create a more integrated senior management structure he had eliminated the positions of Associate Vice President for Human Resources, Associate Vice President for Development, Associate Vice President for Sponsored Programs and Research, and Dean for Sciences and Mathematics. Dr. Ostling announced his retirement as VP for Academic Affairs. Mr. Frank Billings has joined the administration as Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning.  We anticipate that there may be more change on the horizon and ask that you keep us informed about how these changes are affecting you. During times like these it is all the more important that we keep communication lines open and active.

You’ll recall from the end of last semester that class sizes were increased in several areas. If your area is one of those, remember that we want you to keep us informed about the impact of that change. We continue to be grateful to Kathleen Cramer (MAT/CSC/ITE), Chair of our ad hoc Class Size Impact committee, and the members who volunteered to serve with her.

Active membership in the union is more important than ever during these times of rapid changes and fiscal uncertainty. If you are not already actively involved and would like to increase your participation, please consider joining one of our committees. You can find the list of committees with their current members here. If you have a new initiative you think the union should consider, and you’d like to explore the possibilities, please send us an email. We’re always open to new ideas, and we know that the best new ideas come from our members.

We wish everyone a productive semester!

In unity,

The NCCFT Executive Committee
M. Debra DeSanto, President
Frank Frisenda, Vice President for Classroom Faculty
James Hoyt, Vice President for Nonclassroom Faculty
Elizabeth Anne Wood, Treasurer
Michael Anzelone, Secretary

Nassau Community College Federation of Teachers – 3150
516-572-7342 – fax